- Download from Kingroot PC exe download page and download exe file.
- Once downloaded run the setup exe file to start installation. The installation will be in Chinese so please follow the screenshots and steps below to install KingRoot.
- On the first screen, click on the Chinese word “下一步 (Means ‘Next’)” to go to next screen:
Note: “下一步 (Means ‘Next’)”, “取消 (Means ‘Cancel’)” - After which, Select “我同意此协议 ” (Agreement to terms) and click on “下一步” (Next) to continue the installation.
- Then the next screen will require you to select the file location that you want to install KingRoot to, or you can just make it default then click “下一步” (Next) and wait for installation to be completed.
- Wait for installation to be completed then click on “完成” (Means ‘completed’) to complete setup.
- After which, connect or plug in your Android device to your computer via your USB cable. Once it’s plugged in, Kingroot will automatically detect your Android version and device model. It may take a minutes for those who do not have your device driver installed on your PC previously. If there is no driver, Kingroot will install it for you. Do make sure there is an internet connection to able to complete the driver installation. For those who already have your device driver installed in your PC, Kingroot will automatically detect it and move on to the next step.
- You will need to enable debug mode on your device. See images below to enable debug mode (make sure you look at the correct version)
- Once debug mode is enable or if you have already enabled it, you will see the the screenshot below. Click on “尝试 Root” (Means ‘Attempt to Root’)
- Rooting will begin with a progress percentage count like in screenshot below. It will take a moment to complete. Remember Do Not touch, move or unplug your device. During the rooting process, your device will reboot several times.
- You will see a Root completed message with a huge tick on your PC once it’s completed. This means you have successfully rooted your device. It will be safe to close the application.
- During this period, your device will reboot itself. Once it’s rebooted, you can install root checker and click on verify root to see if root have succeeded.
How To Root Android with Windows PCKingRoot Editor2021-12-24T10:07:49+08:00